Monday, December 16, 2013

Thyroid-5 Steps to Vibrant Health

I believe the organ systems in our bodies work together and that no one part of our body functions completely by itself. The thyroid gland influences and is affected by the pituitary, adrenals, digestive system, blood sugar mechanisms and our immune response. The basic metabolic functions it supervises can easily be thrown out of balance when these other organs are not operating at their peak efficiency.

These 5 steps can help re balance your thyroid for more vibrant energy and well being.

1. Take a careful look at how much wheat you are eating. A high number of people with thyroid conditions suffer from un-diagnosed gluten intolerance. Gluten is a protein found primarily in wheat, rye, oats, corn and barley. When the body cannot digest this gluten protein properly an inflammatory response occurs in the gut which can lead to joint and muscle pain, fatigue, nausea , gas, bloating, diarrhea, constipation, hives, painful sores and rashes.1 It takes some organization to eliminate the gluten containing foods and replace them with healthy alternatives. Most people will feel positive results within 21 days but to make a permanent shift you may need to be gluten free for at least 3-6 months.

2. Look at your blood sugar levels and the carbohydrate foods you eat in your daily diet. People with thyroid problems experience a higher levels of obesity and diabetes. Both high blood sugar from eating too many carbs and low blood sugar from hypoglycemia can suppress and aggravate thyroid function.

3. Are you stressed out? High levels of stress makes it difficult for your body to utilize whatever amounts of thyroid hormone it is able to produce and can create an inflammatory response with multiple hormone imbalances. Take up meditation, yoga or stress management to relax. Laugh and have fun. Go to sleep early and find more ways to experience pleasure.

4. Check your vitamin D levels. Many of the disorders related to thyroid problems make it difficult to utilize vitamin D properly. Vitamin D regulates the immune response, balances the blood sugar & insulin metabolism and influences our stress reactions. If you have an inflammatory response in the gut from gluten intolerance, are overly stressed or have a poor blood sugar metabolism your ability to absorb Vitamin D and utilize it properly can be compromised.

5. Think about your digestion and elimination. Healthy intestinal bacteria regulate our immune response, help to process and convert thyroid hormones, and reduce stress. If you are having gas, bloating, constipation, diarrhea or acid stomach you can take a stool test to determine the best means of restoring healthy gut function.

All of us are biochemically unique and most people with thyroid problems need systematic help with testing from a trained practitioner. However-these are steps you can use to find out what brings you better rest, more energy and pain relief.

For information on foods that can help your thyroid and how to use clinical detox to improve your thyroid you might also enjoy:

Your Thyroid Gland and You
Signs that You May Have a Thyroid Problem
Who Needs Clinical Detox

1. Digestive Diseases and Sciences, February 2000;45:403-406.

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